The Causes, Signs, Prevention, and Remedy Options for Gum Disease

Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is an inflammatory condition that affects tissues around the teeth. It is caused when bacteria infest the insides of your mouth specifically, the gum line and tissues around teeth. During its early stages, the disease is called gingivitis.

Causes of Gum Disease

Although plaque is the chief cause of this disease, there are a variety of factors that can lead to its development. Dentist in San Jose, CA will identify these factors include:
  •  Poor oral health care routine, such as the failure to brush and floss your teeth daily.
  •  Ill habits such as cigarette smoking and the use of tobacco products impair the gum's ability to self-heal.
  • Hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause cause gum sensitivity, thus increasing the chances of developing gingivitis.
  • People who come from a family that has a long history of dental diseases.
Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

For you to get it right when it comes to gum diseases, you need to know the signs and symptoms associated with it. This is because, during its first stages, it is painless, making it difficult to realize that you are suffering from it. The signs include the following:

  1.          Red, tender or swollen gums
  2.          Gums that bleed when you brush or floss your teeth
  3.        Receding gums     
  4.       Loose teeth    
  5.       Teeth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures    
  6.           Presence of pus on your teeth or gums


Regular teeth brushing does not remove plaque, which, if left to accumulate, will turn into tartar. Tartar forms a retentive surface that encourages the further accumulation of plaque resulting in gum infection. With time, this will have an impact on the bone that supports your teeth and gum tissue. Below are the three different stages of the disease:

1. Gingivitis

This is one of the first stages of this disease. It is characterized by gum inflammation caused by the buildup of plaque on your gum line. In case you notice swells or some redness on your gums, With this condition, you need to visit a dentist near you offering periodontal therapy.  At this stage, the disease is reversible as the connective tissues holding the teeth are not yet affected.

2. Periodontitis

This next stage is irreversible because the fibers and the bone holding the teeth are already affected. The pockets formed underneath your gum line facilitates the penetration, growth, and development of plaque. visit Neeshat S. Khan, a general, family, and cosmetic dentistry in San Jose for the diagnosis and treatment of gum infection.

3. Advance Periodontitis

At this stage, your bone and teeth fibers are severely damaged and can cause your teeth to loosen or shift from their place. Your bite will also be affected, and so will your ability to eat and talk. If your teeth cannot be saved by a periodontist in San Jose through periodontal therapy, then they will have to be removed. Afterward, your dentist will let you in on the available restorative procedures.

Prevention and Treatment

Establishing a proper oral care routine will help to prevent the occurrence of gum disease. The use of antibacterial mouth rinse and toothpaste is recommended due to their effectiveness in killing bacteria. This lowers the chances of plaque formation, which is the leading cause of the disease.

Professional dental cleaning also removes plaque and tartar. Visit a dentist or a dental hygienist at least two times a year and get your teeth cleaned.

Root planning and scaling are carried out to treat gum infection and periodontal pockets.


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