Neeshat Khan DDS - The best Dental Implant Service

Dental implants are known as replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong base for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are made to match the natural teeth. Tooth implant service is a procedure that exchanges tooth roots with metal, screw like posts and replaces missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that function and appear much like real ones.

Dental implant surgery by Dentist in Cupertino can offer a better alternative to bridgework and dentures that doesn't fit properly and can offer a choice when a lack of natural teeth roots doesn’t allow building bridgework or denture tooth replacements.

Tooth Replacement Procedure :

The first step in the dental implant procedure is the developing an individualized missing teeth treatment plan. The plan addresses the specific needs and is prepared by a team of professional dentists who are specially trained in oral surgery and restorative dentistry.

After this, the tooth root implant, a small post made of titanium, is fixed into the bone socket of the missing tooth. As the jawbone heals, it grows around the metal post, supporting it securely in the jaw. The healing process might take six to 12 weeks.

Once the implant is connected to the jawbone, a small connector post known as abutment is attached to the post to safely hold the new tooth. To make the new tooth, the dentist makes impressions of the teeth, and creates a model of the bite which captures all of the teeth, their arrangement and type. The new tooth is based on this model. A replacement tooth, also known as crown, is then attached to the abutment.

Dental Implants in San Jose

Instead of one or more separate crowns, some patients might have attachments fixed on the implant that retain and support a removable denture. The dentist will also match the colour of the new teeth to the patient’s natural teeth. The replacement teeth feel, look and function just like the own natural teeth, because the implant is secured within the jawbone.

Dental implants are used in many circumstances as an effective solution to replace a single tooth, full set of teeth or multiple teeth. All dental implants are made of titanium, a bio-compatible material that is safe for placement in the patient’s mouth and ideal for connecting with one’s gum and bone tissue. Once fixed, dental implants fuse with the bone tissue and natural gum, providing a strong and stable foundation for the prosthetic teeth. There are several different types of dental implants that are there, among which one of them is:

All-on-4 Implants - All-on-4 is a best alternative to placing a bottom or top set of replacement teeth, known as full arch. 4 dental implants are fixed in available bone, avoiding the need for bone grafting. Unique abutments are used so that a temporary set of replacement teeth can be put the same day. The patient should follow a modified diet while the gum tissues heal and the implants bond with the natural bone. After six months, the permanent replacement teeth will be fixed and one can resume a regular diet.

If You are worried about loosing a single teeth or several teeth then dental implants are the ideal option to restore your smile. Consider dental implant with Dentist in Saratoga to ensure a successfully implantation process.


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